Ayurvedic View:
According to Ayurveda, disorders like autism are considered diseases that manifest from birth due to various genetic factors. Ayurveda emphasizes prevention over curing a disease. Autism prevention can be achieved through three stages: prevention before conception, during pregnancy, and after delivery. Prevention before conception includes detoxification procedures implemented through Panchakarma therapies, followed by ‘Rasayana Chikithsa,’ aiding in the regeneration of healthy tissues and the production of healthy sperm and ovum. Prevention during pregnancy includes a proper diet and physical activities for the mother. Treatment methods for post-delivery autism cure include internal and external therapies, crucial for autism management. Ayurveda also considers spiritual well-being for emotional management, followed by yoga and pranayama, aiding in physical and psychological health. For the best Ayurvedic treatment for autism in Coimbatore, we highly recommend yoga therapy, which can improve social behavior and have a positive effect on CNS activity.